Monday 8 July 2013

To live your life Again

    Have you ever thought of " if given a chance,, how would I want to live my life again?" For us who are young and just starting out on our career, family, business. Our chances of how we want to live our life all over again is quite possible, but for the people who are almost reaching the Senior Citizen stage, it got them thinking on how they have wanted if given a chance.

I am sharing another entry from Harold J Sala's "Just for Today", about this question, "If you could live your life all over again, what would you do differently? It got me thinking that as for me, I could still change many things or try to get out of my comfort zone and go for an adventure. Based on the wirter Tony Campolo on his book "Who switched Price Tags?" the author conducted a survey asking the question if you could live your life all over again, what would you do differently to people who are age over 95.
   Most of them wished that they have risked more, since for them they felt that life for is too safe for them and too calculated.They wonder what adventures they missed because they were too fearful of leaving security. If we are open to try new things, then we would also have new learnings, wherther its a failure or success in the end, at least in our lifetime, we would have lesser regrets.
 Some wished they should have concentrated more on what was really important. Life had been filled with details of the routine.A routinary life is not just plain boring, but it also gives us another wasted day. I know most of our work are really routinary, but sometimes we must remind ourselves to go try something else after work.

The 3rd category of people express the wish they had done something worthwhile that would live on long after they died. Inspiring others is something worthwhile to do, or doing charity work or giving time and help the needy people somehow makes us feel that we are doing something worthwhile. Aside from that, we should always remember to give more time to talk to God and thank Him for all the blessings He had showered upon us.

  Whats done is done, but God has given us another day to correct our mistakes, its never too late to go on an adventure, do the things that makes us happy and do something worthwhile. Its never too late to begin anew.

"Show me O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life- Psalms 39:4


  1. Thank you for this post which reminds me to live life to the fullest...I may not be able to change how my life bloomed but I can do something for my children and other's children...yet if I could go back to the past..perhaps I'd concentrate on building my own family on a later date and stayed single longer to have had the time to spend doing charity work around the world...but then again, as you said it is never too late...and we can always be a blessing to others wherever we are...:) Stay inspiring, and a blessing :)

  2. Hi ate Nats! This is my first visit on your new blog. It's great to know that you have a positive reinforcement/happy/positive blog :) This is a good way to inspire your readers and to share the happy vibes across the blogosphere. And this article of yours is so inspiring!

  3. It is true that it's never too late. We might not be able to do it for ourselves but we can try to influence others to be better.

  4. This post should remind all of us not to waste time on things we cannot change which is often the culprit why people run out of time.

  5. Sapul ako sa message ng post. I admit, my 'past' was spent in some unmemorable things. But yes, we can't turn back the time but at least, we can influence others not to follow the bad things we've done before.

  6. For someone who recently have to deal with lupus scare, this post cannot be more timely. Every day becomes special as we make it count for God's glory. :)

  7. Some positive vibes out here! This is such a thought-provoking post. There's actually a lot of "but ifs" and "if onlys" and if I am asked the same question, I'd say I wouldn't do things differently. I believe I have lived a full life and I did something worthwhile. However, we could only get better each time. There's always room for improvement so let's take each day one step at a time and just simply give it our best shot. Ajah lang!

    Thanks for this very inspiring post. Please keep them coming.

  8. Test. Test. Test. Hi Mike. I am Tess :-)

  9. This is very inspirational :-) Thank you Sis for lifting up our spirits. Life is too short that we have to spend it to the fullest with the Love of our lives :-)

  10. Hi Nat!:) It's my first time here in my blog and yeah, it's inspiring. As for me, I wanted to live my life one day at a time and make the best out of it. :)
